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Android 15 Could Stop One Big Notification Issue

Android 15

While silent mode on your Android phone does silence the notifications, it still allows the smartphone to vibrate. This vibration, depending on the strength of the vibrating system, can be annoying, especially when you’re getting too frequent notifications. Well, Android 15 could bring a solution in this regard.

In the first developer preview of Android 15, Google added a handy new feature for this. It’s called “notification cooldown.” As the name suggests, it puts the notification into cooldown. If your phone is not on silent, this feature will gradually lower the volume once you start getting successive notifications from the same app.

But what about when your phone is in silent mode? Well, in the Android 15 Beta 1.2 update, Google has implemented a solution for that. There’s a new option called “vibrate when unlocked.” This makes the phone vibrate only when you have the phone unlocked.

More About The Notification Feature on Android 15

The “vibrate when unlocked” appears to be turned off by default on Android 15 Beta 1.2. The good part is that it’s easy to enable. So, if you don’t want your phone to go nuts when someone is repeatedly sending you texts, you don’t need to go through many steps to get it enabled. The feature is present in Settings > Notifications > Notifications cooldown.

Android 15 Notification Cooldown
Image source: Android Authority

Worried about missing out on important conversations? You can turn this feature and the notification cooldown option off. The latest Android 15 beta also lets you change the default “apply cooldown to all notifications” option. Instead, you can choose “apply cooldown to conversations.” This will make the feature target the messaging apps.

Android 15 Beta 1

The good part is that this feature might not just be exclusive to Google Pixel phones. Its code is present in AOSP, which means the non-pixel devices could also receive it. However, there’s a chance that Google may scrape the feature entirely before the stable Android 15 release.

News source (s): Android Authority